Making Passive Income Hosting
NFT raffles can be a fun and lucrative way to make money. In order to host them, users will need access to several platforms & $200 USD.
This guide is about Solana raffles.
In the golden days, a Degod NFT generated $844.61 USD profit in 1 day. It was bought for $3,971.50 USD (305.5 Sol). The owner sold 53 tickets at 6.99 Sol which is the equivalent of $4,816. USD (370.47 Sol).
Today’s price of that 370.47 Solana is $59,200 USD.
Users do not need thousands of dollars to host raffles, there are cheaper Bluechip NFT options below to choose from. The cheapest one is $180 USD, however, it is recommended to look at raffles and participate in buying a ticket and creating a raffle with a worthless NFT just to get experience.
Below, you can click the names. They are direct links to the platforms
To do this method users need 3 things:
- Phantom Wallet
- Solana &
- Buy: Crypto Currency called $Foxy -CA (Copy & paste in Jupiter) FoXyMu5xwXre7zEoSvzViRk3nGawHUp9kUh97y2NDhcq (Buy on with Solana)
- Bluechip NFT buy on (Recommend: Okay Bears, Claynosaurz: The Call of Saga, Degen Fat Cats)
Step 1: Download Phantom
Users can download other Solana crypto wallets. However, this is the most compatible one.
Link: Phantom – A friendly Solana wallet built for DeFi & NFTs
Optional Step: Buy a Transdimensional Fox Federation NFT
Buying a Fox NFT helps gain visibility on their hosting platform. If users do not own a Fox NFT, the raffle will be listed at the bottom of the raffle website.
Less visibility means less money. Purchase one for $182 USD.
Link: Magic Eden – NFT Transdimensional Fox Federation
Step 2: Buy a Bluechip NFT
Bluechips are well-established NFT projects. The cheapest one to go with is the Transdimensional Fox Federation collection ($150 USD).
Taiyo Robotics Infant, Transdimensional Fox Federation, Claynosaurz, y00ts, Okay Bears, Famous Fox Federation, or a Degenerate Ape Academy.
Step 3: Post raffle (Optional users can host crypto currency raffles too)
Go to the website Famous Fox Federation to create a raffle. Users can accept many different crypto currencies as payment but the best one to do is Solana.
Link: Rafffle | Powered by Famous Fox Federation (
Step 4: Shill (Promote)
A surefire way to make more money would require ‘shilling’ (promoting) the raffle. That means, posting the raffle on social media like Twitter, Discord, Instagram, or any other platform. More exposure means more money. Post it anywhere and everywhere.
Hosting raffles can be a great way to make money and have fun in the bear market & bull market. In order to be successful, users need to effectively market participants.
Users do not need to sell out the raffle to make money. And it may only take a couple of minutes to set up. However, to be profitable they must be raffles must include a prominent crypto currency token or a prominent NFT.
This can be a profitable and enjoyable venture, good luck!